Sunday, June 21, 2009

Put a Little Bit of Bitter in your Pink Lemonade

Mad props to The Slote for giving me the hookup to the Harlem Shakes and their debut, Technicolor Health. It's such an infectious little thing. Seeing them live at The Mad Hatter in Covington, KY banished all doubts that a seemingly too charming group of young, affable men that play their instruments really fucking well might be in some way flawed. They're great performers, and great guys! Kendrick (keyboards) and I were only a few feet away, and we chatted the while he was setting up and tearing down--when I went to talk to Lexy, the singer, after the show, he seemingly knew all about me. I guess that words passes quickly when you are the only guy in a club singing every word to every song. Self-love aside, these guys are really cool--you can tell that they're doing it for the music, for themselves, and for the fans. Yay for Ivy League bands!

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